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Workplace Creativity

Scroll to learn about various creative self-led 

endeavors in my past and present workplaces. 

ELRC Creations

Double-click for a closer look

All-Staff Meeting Slide Decks

Holiday Song Picture Puzzle Game- December 2023

Word Puzzle Brain Teaser Game- January 2024

Black History Month Informational Presentation- February 2024

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The above are placed in the office to aid in directing people to the correct mail areas. 

Informational fliers for visitors to read and learn fun facts, intended to be posted on the inside of bathroom stalls.

Women's History Month 2024 lobby bulletin board designs. Quotes from famous, influential, and inspirational women. 

Graphics for kid's activities in the office lobby

Bruegger's Bagels Creations

I was in charge of maintaining and updating our staff bulletin board. Above, you will see an interactive section that my coworkers really enjoyed (as you can see from all the responses!). 

The above questionnaire's were created using Microsoft Word and were completed by myself and my coworkers. They were fun to fill out, and allowed us to learn new and interesting things about our other coworkers. Following completion, they were all hung up, acting as decor as well!

Above is a sign I created to advertise for open positions at Bruegger's, which drew in a handful of applicants. 

During my time working at Chick-fil-A in high school, they had a "shout out" section of our team meetings, where we would go through anonymous (or signed) notes from coworkers, shouting out other coworkers. It was really exciting and rewarding to know your coworkers noticed your efforts in the workplace, and this is something I wanted to bring into our workplace at Bruegger's as well. 

At Bruegger's, this Compliment Cup was a successful program, and compliment notes were distributed monthly. My boss enjoyed the positive vibes the compliments brought to the workplace, and posted it on the Bagel Brands internal news website. 

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